Friday, November 30, 2018

How to survive a week or boredom...

This week we were learning to write presidial writing...

How to… Survive a week of boredom

Step 1
Create a list of fun things you could do e.g…
Try to ride the dog.
Muck about with a cardboard box
Annoy siblings.
Go on a noun randomizer and draw what the noun is.
Try not to laugh(with or without water).
Invite friends to play a video game.
Explore the bush/ forest/ area of land.
Read your favorite book(out loud) using different voices for different characters.
Close the curtains a have a party with no one

Step 2
Do what you can that is written on the list to pass the time. If you run out of things to do on the list repeat or come up with a few more things to do.

(optional)Step 3
If all fails invite friends to come to your place or play with siblings.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

My Last Run

my last ran in taiao. What I have learned for the run is never take the easy way out like the day after cross country we did our run. Also, my mental grit waking up every day thinking that I might do a 2.8 run today. knowing that I am getting fitter by my graph and knowing that I'm fitter than most NewZealanders. saying yes to do the run every day and not bring a note so I don't have to it. I think that me doing a run every day improves my school work. At the start, I thought that this was a waste of time but now I have seen the imprint in my school work and all my sports and now I know that it is not a waste of time. I have run 164 kilometer 

Grey District Athletics!

This week on Wednesday I, along with about half of the senior area in our school went to the Grey District Athletics. When we got there on the bus, we got in line in our age groups. I made it in for 80 and 100m sprints, 1200m run, high jump and relay. First, we had the 1200m run. I came second out of the year seven girls! I was so lucky that straight after that we had our first break though most of the other runners had to go straight to their things! If there was one thing that annoyed me the most, it would be that in the high jump, I was on my third and last try and I really thought that I could do it. I was about to jump when I slid on the sandy fake grass. Other than that, it was a great day! - Sinead